Gait and Foot Analysis
We offer analysis that is accurate, professional, unrivalled and competitive on price. It is performed using our state of the art system.
Foot Analysis
Gait and foot analysis provides information that is beneficial for practitioners and their clients. Weight distribution, centre of pressure tracking, foot rotation, sway area and balance are especially relevant when assessing a client. Successful comparisons are made from the bilateral information provided which aids with clinical assessment. The analysis is conducted statically and dynamically which is beneficial in both a clinical and performance setting. The cause of many conditions related to the feet and lower limbs can be identified. These include such conditions as plantar fasciitis, bunions, hammer toe, shin splints, achilles pain and ankle pain.
The Importance of Gait Analysis
People move around each day with abnormal gait patterns but they don’t experience any negative symptoms. As a result, the body is constantly under increased and unwanted stress which in turn can cause injury. On the other hand, from a performance point of view, an athlete may struggle to improve if their body can’t be used efficiently. Abnormalities can be identified by our Leg, Gait and Foot analysis and as a result can be corrected. Gait analysis provides information on gait cycle phases, force and its distribution. Specific foot area contacts are also recorded along with step and stride length, ground contact times, track width, foot rotation and cadence. Specific joint angles are also analysed to determine varus/valgus and inversion/eversion. Information collated is used to accurately diagnose and treat gait issues.
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